ej2265_GhizerValley_24May2011 LtRm.JPG

May 24, 2011. Gupis Valley schools in the Ghizer District of Pakistan. 1st school: Barsath CAI & Community Primary School. In 2010, CAI added a five-classroom building to a community school, that had originally started out as an Agha Khan school. CAI also pays for two teachers, Muhammad Qadir Shah and Muhammad Karim (in lighter clothing). and a boundary wall, which is still under construction. 2nd school: Teru High School, CAI added a five-classroom high school building in 2010 to an already-exisiting community middle school. There's also an Agha Khan primary school within the boundary wall. Tea at the home of Ali Madad Shah, and his wife, Bulbul Haja, in Singul, Pakistan. They organized the request for the CAI Women's Vocational Center in Singul. She's president center that's under consruction down the road from their home. Their children in photos: Ruqia, 15, studying science for an upcoming exam, her sister Anita, 18, brother Salman, 14 (blue, next to Ruqia in some pix), and Adnan, 10. Photo by Ellen Jaskol.
Ellen Jaskol